About 4 million Egyptians heard of the Presidential Team Initiative, led by Essam Heggy
The improvement of education is top priority for 40% of Egyptians

The Initiative of Presidential Team 2018, recently released by Dr. EssamHeggywith the backing of public figures, presents a program that could be adopted by any presidential candidate in the 2018 elections. The Egyptian Center for Public Opinion Research (Baseera) conducted a poll to investigate Egyptians’ opinion about the said initiative.
Asked if they heard of the initiative, which was released about a month ago, nearly 7% of those polled said that they did. This means that nearly 4 million Egyptians of voting age heard of the initiative. The percentage of those who heard of the initiative increases from 3% among those with less than intermediate education to 16% among those with university education. The percentage of women who heard of the initiative (4%) was lower than that of men (10%).
Of the five pillars of the program, respondents were asked to name the one they believe is most important. Education came first with 40% followed by improving economy and eradication of poverty (29%), improving the health sector (12%), full religious equality (5%), and the freedom and empowerment of women (3%). About 10% of those polled were undecided.
Across all groups of population, education was universally seen as a top priority but with different percentages. The percentage of those who considered it a top priority was 59% among respondents with university education compared to 32% amongrespondents with less than intermediate education. The percentage of respondents viewing education as a top priority was 47% among those living in urban areas compared to 36% among those who living in rural areas.
Improving the economy and combattingpoverty came second across all groups of population, with 24% to 31% of respondents in various demographic groups giving it top billing.
The percentage of those who see health as top priority increases from 8% in urban areas to 14% in rural areas, and from 7%in urban governorates to 11% in Upper Egypt and 14% in lower Egypt.
Interestingly, the percentage of those who considered the freedom and empowerment of women a top priority was the same among men and women.
The poll was conducted using both mobile phones and landlines on a sample of 1533 citizens aged 18 years old and above, and covering all governorates. All phone interviews were conducted from 8 to 9 August, 2016. The response rate was around 49%, and the margin of error in the results is less than 3%. The poll was self-funded by Baseera as a part of its social responsibility activities.
For more information on the detailed findings and the methodology adopted, or to see the graphic presentation of results, please visit our website: www.baseera.com.eg
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