The average general performance index reached 67 percentage points in June 2019
The “fuel” and the “electricity” files attained the highest in terms of satisfaction and the lowest were “standard of living of low-income citizens”, “job creation”

The Egyptian Center for Public Opinion Research “Baseera” conducted a poll last June to assess the satisfaction of Egyptians with the general performance in Egypt. The poll was based on the assessment of a sample of Egyptians for 29 files covering various political, economic and social aspects in the country. These files include garbage disposal and street cleaning, electricity, the provision of different types of fuel, prices, standard of living for low-income citizens, conduct of security forces with citizens, job creation, combating corruption, freedom of opinion and expression, social justice, foreign relations, the economic conditions in the country, health, education, transportation, quality and availability of water and sanitation, private and government media, mobile services, ration cards and subsidies, combating pollution, operation of factories, tourism, ease of establishing new private sector projects, agricultural production, religious discourse, the availability of food commodities.
The average rating of Egyptians for the twenty-nine files was calculated to reflect the Egyptians' assessment of general performance. The results showed that the average General Performance Index (GPI) was 67 points in June 2019 out a maximum of 100 points, compared to 58 points in June, 2018. The average general performance index rises from 64 points in urban areas to 68 points in rural areas, while there are no noticeable differences between males and females. Young people are notably less satisfied with general performance; with an average satisfaction reaching 63 points out of 100 among youths (18-29), and rises to 70 points among those aged 50 or above. The average satisfaction with overall performance falls from 69 points among those with less than intermediate education to 61 points among those with university or higher education.
Upon observing the level of public satisfaction for each file, 5 files obtained average satisfaction more than 80 points out of 100, namely, provision of all fuel -except electricity- (84 points), electricity (83 points), security (83 points), foreign relations with other countries (82 points) and availability of food commodities (81 points). Further, 9 files attained a level of public satisfaction between 70 to less than 80 points; namely religious discourse and ration cards (77 points each), conduct of security forces with citizens (76 points), mobile services and traffic (74 points each), transportation (72 points), ease of establishing new private sector projects, tourism and agricultural production (70 points each).
Moreover, 8 items attained a level of public satisfaction between 60 to less than 70 points; namely accessibility and quality of water and freedom of expression (68 points each), operating factories (66 points), economic conditions in the country (65 points), the media (63 points), combatting corruption (62 points), and availability and quality of sanitation and health (61 points each). Four files attained a level of public satisfaction between 50 to less than 60 points; namely social justice (59 points), education (57 points), combating pollution (55 points), and garbage disposal and street cleaning (54 points). Finally, 3 items attained an average level of public satisfaction between below 50 points; prices (46 points), job creation (43 points), improving the standard of living for low-income citizens (40 points). It is worth mentioning that public satisfaction towards the job creation and prices files are still low (less than 50 points), however the 2 files have witnessed relative improvement between June 2018 and June 2019. Also, health, education and social justice files have witnessed obvious improvement between June 2018 and June 2019.
Survey methodology:
In accordance with the principle of transparency and commitment to the ethics of publishing polls, Baseera Center discloses the methodology of the survey as follows: The survey was conducted using landline and mobile phones on a sample of 1530 Egyptians, in the age group of 18 years or above, covering all the governorates of the Republic. The interviews were conducted from June 18th – 23rd, 2019. The response rate was about 36%, with a margin of error less than 3%. The poll was self-funded by Baseera. For more details on the results and methodology used or for a graphical presentation of the results, please refer to and baseera information bank
Press Release on the Public Opinion Poll Conducted by
the Egyptian Center for Public Opinion Research “Baseera” on
Satisfaction with General Performance
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